very impressive and incredibly original design and concept you used. i can clearly tell this is not a pregen fractal. also this is so becoming my desktop background. i purely love it!
very impressive and incredibly original design and concept you used. i can clearly tell this is not a pregen fractal. also this is so becoming my desktop background. i purely love it!
The larger version is over at deviantart. If you need a bigger one for your monitor I would be more than happy to re render it for you.
nicely done
Interesting shape. i really like it. tho there is the odd fact you have no shadow but then again i to suffer that problem with Kerkythea which by the way you should use instead of C4D for glass rendering its much more accurate. hehehe either way tho i might be nit picky but it seems your glasses IOR doesn't appear to be set at 1.520 thats the standard IOR for all glass materials. your reflection is also nice but might i suggest using HDRI Spherical Lightprobe instead of a panorama sphere image HDRI. Lightprobes are encoded with information on real light equations so they allow for very accurate lighting without lights. even sometimes adds shadows for you.
You've given me an idea for another render. you will receive credit for doing so muhahahaha
Balazeal you sir win epicly for making this awesome model. its really cute.
Oh, why thank you. Everybody loves Strawberry Clock.
I really like how youp ulled off the perspective and the overall design so you get good rating.
not bad
Tho in all honesty you have a good concept but to me even tho i can tell you changed it up it takes on the look of a pre-gen fractal. maybe you should try a blank canvas and make the triangles yourself. Juila3d enabled triangles is a good place to start for beginners.
if this was textured and rendered with a proper material i'd give this a much higher score. its still nice but quite cute
I'm not that good at 3d rendering. I just did this for fun.
the glass is actually well rendered given this is from the old mental ray. but if you do revisit this might i suggest micro displacement on the wood and cork to allow for a higher definition of detail. also you might want to use a HDRi image for image based lighting to help get some realism. if you revisit this try using kerkythea.
very very scary *flees* very nice job on it tho
Thanks! :-)
I'm a simple person really. I like to play around and animate with flash making cruddy and yet funny things for everyone to laugh at. Please by all means laugh and don't worry if your comment would offend me. thats utterly imposible to do around me.
Age 37, Male
3D Graphics
HS Graduate
Planet Shintovia
Joined on 8/15/09