not often i see anime images that make me laugh but damn this reminds me of the anime FLCL. its the eyebrows always the eyebrows. nicely done
not often i see anime images that make me laugh but damn this reminds me of the anime FLCL. its the eyebrows always the eyebrows. nicely done
this looks more then just a wing if you look at it right it almost matches a eagle landing on a ledge kinda look. very beautiful.
not really my favorite. this could use a bit of work because it looks like to me a pre-gen i know its not a pre-gen it just seems to need so much more work and could use a better color scheme.
You are pretty right, but this one is more like my first ever and i made this with Apophysis 2.02 and couldn't raise the quality. Set was also a pre-set, but i shifted the triangles pretty much to get this result.
I just posted this more for people so see the progress i'm making in making these fractals. And i agree this isn't that nice, but i still kinda like it ^^.
a bit blurry but is actually rather interesting. i like it. what gets me is it makes me think of darkness and magic.
Ya that's why i like it also, but this was made before i knew how to change colours of the different triangles, maybe i'll post the one with added colours later.
actually this has a very ethereal view to it. I like that normally i stray away from bubble fractals but this just appeals to me so i give it a 10. very beautiful
I like this one also, especially the colours here.
Not to original in concept but i really like the way you pulled off the flat floor with the bubble above it. clever use of bubble variations and julia3d i assume.
very impressive
I'm a good fractals person but when it comes to the regular apophysis i suck horribly at it. you on the other hand are very good given what i said on the BBS please forgive for that. either way this is getting a fav from me.
Hahaha, all the stuff in that thread is quite old. I rarely make art these days, although I'm nearing the level in math class where I might begin to learn how these fractals are truly constructed.
Thanks, by the way :)
not bad
typically fractals arent my thing all the time even tho i do them. this is actually a very impressive one. i adore the colors and the various use of the julia variation
I'm a simple person really. I like to play around and animate with flash making cruddy and yet funny things for everyone to laugh at. Please by all means laugh and don't worry if your comment would offend me. thats utterly imposible to do around me.
Age 37, Male
3D Graphics
HS Graduate
Planet Shintovia
Joined on 8/15/09